Tuesday, 3 April 2018


        Hi #RIZEFM this is my cousins story but since she asked me a question, I felt I should ask everyone maybe they’ll have an answer for her. 

My cousin came home one day very happy. I asked her what the excitement was about and she told me she’s getting married and relocating abroad.

 I was equally happy for her thinking it’s her boyfriend that comes around. My parents were hardly around because of work. My dad used to work offshore and my mum was a teacher so most times we are home together.

One day, one of my dad’s friend came to the house. I went to open the door and told him dad was offshore, I mean I expected him to know that and he asked me to call my cousin. I didn’t suspect anything at first until the visits became regular; always in my parents absence.

One day, I returned home unexpectedly. She didn’t hear me enter the house. Summary is I caught her sitting on his legs. I was shocked. He stood up quickly and nervously; took his care key and left. My cousin is older but I summoned courage to confront her. Then she opened up that the man was going to divorce his wife since they’ve been married for 15 years and no child. She said he’ll sell everything here in Nigeria, give the wife part of the money, send the wife back to her people and relocate with her abroad.

I tried talking her out of this and she threatened me not to tell anyone. I didn’t because I felt no one would believe me not even because of the threat. Days went by and months. One day she came home crying bitterly. I asked her what’s wrong and she said dad’s friend said he can’t divorce his wife again. She kept crying and asking what she did wrong to deserve such treatment. 

The question she asked me is: Esther, what did I do wrong? 


Didn’t I love him enough? Why did he choose to stay with his barren wife?

Share Your Advice!

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