Friday, 25 August 2017

President Macron says, EU Needs Migrant Labour Reform

    French President Emmanuel Macron has warned that the EU risks breaking up if it fails to reform the rules on temporary foreign workers.

  Report says , he disclosed this while speaking in Romania, one of the ex-communist countries whose low wages and social charges make their workers cheaper to hire for temporary work in France and other richer EU nations.
  President Macron said some political and business circles in the EU were trying to promote social and fiscal dumping.  He wants EU-wide reform of the rules.
Failure to do so this year, he warned, would risk a break-up of the EU.  He promised French voters during the presidential election campaign that he would fight social dumping in the EU.
   France has long pressed for reform of the EU's Posted Workers Directive, which allows firms to send their cheaper workers to another EU nation and keep them on existing employment terms, not those of the host country.

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