Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Man Proposes to Girlfriend With 25 Brand New iPhone Xs (Photos)

   Chen Ming pre-ordered 25 iPhone Xs, and, on November 3, when the newest Apple handheld officially launched in China, he arranged them all in the shape of a heart on a bed of red rose metals, with an engagement ring in the middle.

   To make sure that his girlfriend didn’t suspect a thing, Chen enlisted the help of her friends, asking them to bring her to the specified location of the surprise.

   Photos of the romantic iPhone X display recently went viral on Chinese social media, leaving people wondering why anyone would spend so much money on a bunch of phones when they could have bought a new car or put a down payment on a house for the same amount.
Prices for the iPhone X start at 8,388 yuan in mainland China, which means Chen must have spent at least 210,000 yuan ($31,500) on them.

   Chen Ming should consider himself lucky that his girlfriend accepted to be his wife. Three years ago, another Chinese man got turned down after spending nearly $100,000 on a stack of iPhone 6 phones, because his girlfriend wanted diamonds instead.
Oddity Central

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