Sunday, 6 August 2017

China urges North Korea To Stop Missile Tests

    China's foreign minister, Wang Yi  has told his North Korean counterpart that Pyongyang should stop carrying out nuclear and missile tests, hours after fresh sanctions were agreed by the United Nations Security Council.
   Wang Yi said he urged Ri Yong-ho to abide by UN resolutions in a meeting today in the Philippines.
   Report says Saturday's resolution banning North Korean exports and limiting investments in the country was passed unanimously.
  Wang said sanctions were needed, but are not the final goal, and he urged  for dialogue. He said he told North Korea to remain calm, and not provoke the international community with more tests.
  The Chinese envoy also urged the US and South Korea not to increase tensions, saying that the situation was at a   critical point, but also a juncture at which talks could be resumed.

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